Thursday, June 18, 2020

Impact of employers’ motivation strategies - 24475 Words

Impact of employers' motivation strategies (Essay Sample) Content: ABSTRACTBusinesses in the entire world today are facing a number of challenges. Factors that affect the internal and external working surroundings continue to confront the general operation and performance gains of various organisations. For firms to continue being beneficial in a rapidly changing globe, surrounded by several challenges and competition, the whole factors of production have to be prudently controlled. Employee motivation offers continuing advantages in terms of high yield. A motivated member of staff is a precious asset, which offers immeasurable value to organisation in keeping and strengthening businesses and income growth. This thesis was a welcome idea to the present organisational studies which narrate on the impact of employers motivation strategies on low performing employees and their performance. Few studies have been undertaken in modern manufacturing facilities, the thesis is accomplished through the five main chapters which include: introdu ction, empirical literature review, methodology of the study, analysis and presentation of data, and offer summary and conclusion to the study at the end. Literature has been reviewed through a theoretical review of theories related to motivation. The research methodology that was used was questionnaire based where in the research design and later data was analysed and results compounded for a discussion.These findings propose those personnel managers and other managers who deal with employees welfare need not to barely focus on the good remunerations as the only most important motivation means. However, non-monetary motivational factors are absolutely influential; they may sometimes not contribute to the most favorable performance of low performing employees if it is solely used for motivation. The findings of this study confirm that the most suitable motivation and reward system in a manufacturing set-up should attempt to satisfy a mixture of employees needs in a diverse way. Furt hermore, the workplace surroundings should generate the feeling of connection, appreciation of work done and safety, but if poorly instigated, it may affect performance. . TABLE OF CONTENT Page TOC \o "1-1" \h \z \t "Heading 2,2,Heading 3,3,Heading 6,1,Heading 7,2,Heading 8,3,Subtitle,1" HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120440822"LIST OF TABLES  PAGEREF _Toc120440822 \h iiiHYPERLINK \l "_Toc120440824"Chapter 1. Introduction  PAGEREF _Toc120440824 \h 3HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120440825"1.1 Scope  PAGEREF _Toc120440825 \h 3HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120440826"1.2 Problem Statement  PAGEREF _Toc120440826 \h 3HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120440827"1.3 Approach  PAGEREF _Toc120440827 \h 3HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120440828"1.4 Outcome  PAGEREF _Toc120440828 \h 3HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120440829"Chapter 2. Background and review of literature  PAGEREF _Toc120440829 \h 3HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120440830"2.1 Related Work  PAGEREF _Toc120440830 \h 3HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120440831"2.2 Literature  P AGEREF _Toc120440831 \h 3HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120440832"2.3 Industry Sources  PAGEREF _Toc120440832 \h 3HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120440833"Chapter 3. Conclusions  PAGEREF _Toc120440833 \h 3HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120440834"3.1 Lessons Learned  PAGEREF _Toc120440834 \h 3HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120440835"3.2 Future Activity  PAGEREF _Toc120440835 \h 3HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120440836"3.3 Prospects for Further Work  PAGEREF _Toc120440836 \h 3HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120440837"REFRENCES CITED  PAGEREF _Toc120440837 \h 3HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120440838"APPENDICES  PAGEREF _Toc120440838 \h 3HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120440839"Appendix A. Pattern-Description Template  PAGEREF _Toc120440839 \h 3HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120440840"A.1 Pattern-Description Approach  PAGEREF _Toc120440840 \h 3HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120440841"A.2 Pattlet Summary Structure  PAGEREF _Toc120440841 \h 3HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120440842"A.3 Full Pattern-Description Organization  PAGEREF _Toc120440842 \h 3 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120440843"Appendix B. Navigational Data Model  PAGEREF _Toc120440843 \h 3HYPERLINK \l "_Toc120440844"B.1 Hierarchical Organization  PAGEREF _Toc120440844 \h 3 Chapter 1: IntroductionIn the present globalized world, it obvious that competition and rapid changes are being witnessed in all spheres of life, because of individuals and organizational commitment to excellence. The main challenge to firms is managing people, as its the employees that support firms in realizing or attaining their goals, thus securing a competitive advantage over others. However, it is important toseek value within the workforce, by seizing quality of employees performance and motivating them to deliver their best and improve service delivery, as they assist the firm in attaining its goals (Christensen Wright, 2011). The power of the latest business scenario calls for key skills and knowledge among the organizational leaders to motivate employees effectively to achieve this . The changes in working environment and practices forces existing state of affairs to change or evolve to fit into the expected system, same applies to firms when changes are sweeping across the board, they review their operations so as to remain vibrant and hold on their positions. For most employees and organisations, adopting to change, if not managing is still a big challenge whose foreseeable upshot is uncertain in regard to the roles and responsibilities a number of stakeholders play within organisations. Several changes may be important and desirable to firms, however, management team of various organisations have become obstacle to change; majority are anti-reformers to safeguard their positions. However, some changes may be good and necessary as they add value whereas others are archaic and could hinder the steady growth of a firm. The old-fashioned change always seems to be inappropriate, disorderly and expensive. As a result, this study aspires to center attention on the influence of employers motivation tactics scheduled to revive the low performing employees and awaken their team work spirit, for instance as illustrated in equity theory where an individual compares his/her input/outcome ratio to relevant others. If there is a perceived inequity, the individual will augment his/her behavior, or choose another comparison referent.1.1 Background of the StudyChange in the globalised and presently competitive world, is perceived to be a common scenario witnessed in several industries, which calls for organisations to fully commit themselves to excellence. According to Christensen and Wright (2011) the biggest challenge is personnel management, because they the ones who add value to firms by carrying out several tasks. Thus, call for an attachment of value in the quality of team selected to execute some duties through their successful motivation for performance improvement, in assist the organisation attained the set goals and objectives. Human motivat ion was termed as hedonistic; referring to need for an individual to seek pleasures and comfort, by keeping aloof pain and distress of work (Yuan Woodman, 2010). In the beginning of twentieth century the idea of instinct based behaviour emerged as seen in animals. By 1920s this concept was abandoned and replaced by a more complex theory of cognitive and environmental interactions governing behaviour (Christensen Wright, 2011). This theory raises the question of whether motivation is an unconscious process or if there is a conscious effort.A modern view is that some motives cannot be explained by a conscious process. These motives are based on learning but are not instinctive. They explain why certain behaviour is difficult to identify. Furthermore, they explain the effect of habits that person. If unpleasant situations develop and confront an individual, the motive may be repressed. Unconscious motivation is still debatable and lacks research. The modern structure of operation cal ls for innovative scenarios that require organizational managers with specific personnel skills and knowledge, to inspire employees successfully so as to accomplish intended results (Finney et al, 2004). According to Humphreys and Revelle (1984), there exists strong correlation between motivation and performance of employees. Motivated workers heavily invest their energy and effort to work, meaning that they can accomplish more goals with fewer resources at a shorter time compared to unmotivated staff.1.2 Statement of the ProblemThe intricacy of the topic motivation could validate the believes of Vries (1993) that motivation is the most talked about topics, but one that is less understood in organizational behaviour and Herzberg (1997) on his side alleges that psychology of motivation is extremely multifaceted and, establishments that were positioned with some extent of conviction remains very little.Manufacturing sector is a very important division of any society. It is where good are produced and distributed for human consumption or trade. It is on these grounds that the proper supervision of the personnel in manufacturing institutions is imperative. There have been studies that have revealed de-motivation of staffs in such institutions, yet its an integral sector of the economy of any country or firm. For example, a study by Frey and Osterloch (2002) on motivation of part-time employees revealed that, staffs in manufacturing sector are rarely motivated because management make use of their effort in a short while just to accomplish a particular project and waits for another task to come. There is still need for further research on motivation, so as to bring out the best in organisational operation, therefore, the goal here is to disclose out what motivates entails and how...

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